Sunday, April 29, 2007

Berry Poppins & Pumpkin Gold

Yummm, doesn't the title of this post make you a little bit hungry? It could be for me because it's close to lunchtime. The photo is of more mosaic knitting, my favourite kind. I just realized this morning I hadn't posted in such a long time, oops. I've been very busy running, knitting and going to the gym and I keep forgetting. I'm itching to start my next project so will be very glad when I can show you what I've been up to with all the mosaic snippet photos I've been posting for you to see.


Anonymous said...

Those colours are absolutely lovely together!

June said...

Looks like fun, Brenda! We can't wait to see!

June said...

You go girl! Good for you!! I know I don't have the stamina for running, but I can do a fast walking mile or so every day!