Friday, December 29, 2006

In the beginning...

Okay, so I finally did it. I've been brought kicking and screaming into this weird world of babbling all about myself. And now I'm wondering, who's actually going to read it? Who's actually going to care? I suppose that isn't really the point. Maybe this really is all about me, and it doesn't matter if other people notice.

It's such a dreary day today in Kitchener, I haven't taken any pics. So to provide some enjoyment as well as a picture perfect blog, I will share a photo from my previous garden in my previous life. This garden is no longer mine and I doubt that the current owners will lovingly weed it like I did. I hope you enjoy my lilacs as much as I did. I will certainly miss them.


Joanne said...

Welcome to the blogging world, Brenda! I like the lilacs very much...I can just about smell them from your photo. I too have made gardens only to have to leave them. I think there's a special gift in being able to pass along that beauty to someone else. You're right though, now we just have to believe that others will cherish them as we have!

Anonymous said...

Well hello! It's about time you got a blog. :-) I am happy to see you here and you're on my morning blog readng list now.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on the blog. A new blog, to go with the new life in Kitchener -- way to go!

June said...

Oh Brenda! We all want to hear about your life and what's new, or not new! Lilacs are my absolute favorite flower, you couldn't have picked a better picture to start off with!

Vicki said...

Welcome to the blogosphere, Brenda! I'll definitely be checking back.

Brenda said...

Thanks for the welcome everyone. I do hope that if my blather becomes boring that someone will let me know. I like to think that it won't... :) However, if it does, just send me a message to spice it up a bit and I'm sure I will rise to the challenge.

Angela said...

That lilac picture is lovely! A bit of your old life to enjoy now and in the future.

jade said...

Hey Brenda,
It really is wonderful to read your blog.
I pray that you are adjusting well - i do miss you so..
The lilacs look beautiful... and so do you in your pictures.
I hope your new year - new life has started out well..